OPED—Child Nutrition Starts First Thing In The Morning

“Texans want our public schools to prepare children to be ready for college or to make a living after high school. Texans have lots of ideas about how to make sure that happens. But lost in all the talk about school funding, student testing and teacher accountability is one relatively simple step proven to work — making sure every child eats a healthy breakfast.
Something as simple as eating breakfast can make a big difference. Studies on school breakfast show that eating breakfast leads to increases in attendance, math scores and graduation rates while decreasing tardiness and classroom behavior problems. Eating a healthy breakfast improves the life of children outside the classroom as well. Children who eat a nutritious breakfast are less likely to be hungry or obese.”
Read the full oped, co-authored by food & nutrition policy analysts Jonathan Lewis & Rachel Cooper, on the Austin American-Statesman’s website.

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